Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kurt Warner won’t change his mind about retirement

Although there has been example set by Brett Favre, the ex-Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner is not going to reconsider his retirement. Two days after he announced retirement last Friday, Warner told reporter in an interview that there is no second-guessing at all about his decision on retirement.

The reason he gave for the determination was just what one of the great players should give after he announces retirement. Warner said he was unwilling to lower the standard he had set and give anything less than maximum effort toward his job. At age 38, making mistake seems inevitable, and mistake is what Warner would not allow while playing football, one of his great loves in life.

And the decision to retire was made after one year of contemplation, according to what Warner told the reporter. That means Warner has had enough re-thinking before making his final decision, and retiring remains the best choice for him. Leaving fame and the last half of his two-year $23-million contract behind, Warner’s retirement is just totally different from the Retire-Show made by Favre, who put on New York Jets jersey after announcing retirement in 2008 and joined Minnesota Vikings after he said he was to retire in 2009 offseason.

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