Saturday, May 29, 2010

Archie Manning named New Orleans the best place to live

Recently a list of the world’s best places to live was published, and former New Orleans Saints quarterback Archie Manning was asked whether he wished to move to one of the places, the local popular sportsman said that New Orleans was also one of the best place to live and he would stay there for the rest of his life.

Born in Drew, Mississippi, moved to New Orleans after being drafted by the New Orleans Saints in 1971 and has stayed there for most of his life since on. After retiring from the NFL, Archie Manning used to ask his family on moving home back to Mississippi, but all of them made the same choice to stay in New Orleans. The Mannings thus have been a most active family in community service and did a lot of work to rebuild the city after the Hurricane Katrina destroyed most parts of it. Archie Manning said that the city has been even more beautiful than it was before the disaster although it’s still recovering from the damages. He and his family love the city and there is no better city than New Orleans to them.

The former Saints legend said he loves New Orleans also because he can meet long-time fans wearing Archie Manning jerseys from time to time and offer as much help as he could to encourage them from sadness of losing friends or families in the hurricane.

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