Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brett Favre aims at coaching job

The Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre has not made his decision on whether to return to play football for 2010 season, and he is even still uncertain whether he will undergo the surgery to repair his injured ankle. However, someone familiar with the quarterback said that Favre actually wants to work with an NFL team as a coaching member instead of a player.

As a nineteen-year veteran quarterback, Favre does have the qualification to work somewhere as a quarterback coach. Just as Vikings wide receiver Percy Harvin said the other day, Favre was always a great playmaker and signal callers while playing in a real-time game and his influence on other players was sometimes even bigger than the offensive coordinator’s. With nineteen years of experience in playing and learning of football, Favre is surely a very competitive candidate if any team is in want of a quarterback coach or offensive coordinator and receives Favre’s application form.

So if Favre’s real intention is to work as a coach, his hesitation to wear back his Favre jersey now seems much more reasonable. At age 40, recovering from an ankle surgery may take too long for him to appear in time for the regular season, and even if he is anyway fully recovered, his old body could hardly bear more heavy attacks from younger players of opponent teams. By comparison, staying with his beloved ball but in a safer place would be a wise choice for Favre.

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