Thursday, June 10, 2010

Millionaire lit up hopes for space travels

A recent report said that the third space tourist, American millionaire Gregory Olsen plans to repeat his travel to the space. As the first one cost him so much that he had to sell a company to pay for the price, the second trip, which is even more expensive, would cost him another company.

Olsen’s first trip was made in October 2005, when he visited the International Space Station after paying $20 million for a private seat in the aircraft. He returned to earth a few days later and soon started a new company. He is surely a genius entrepreneur and soon earned a lot of money again with the new company. But it seems that he still misses the scene in the space very much and would like to try another trip.

Even if Olsen really sells his new company to pay for the second trip, he would not be the first repeat space tourist. The first repeat space tourist was American billionaire Charles Simonyi, who made his second space travel in 2009. Well, at the moment space travel is only for millionaires and billionaires, but their success has lit up hopes for the bright future of space travel. Perhaps, years later we could watch NFL games played in space station, and fans would snap up the Vikings jerseys that are worn by players in space. If so, space travel would definitely be funnier than watching a millionaire or billionaire hobbling.

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